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Frequently Asked Questions.

Our experience enables us to foresee, understand, connect and respond. Reach out to us incase of more questions

Luma Bio Glasses

Blue light blocking glasses are specially designed eyewear with lenses that filter out or block a portion of blue light emitted from digital screens and artificial light sources.

Blue light blocking glasses contain special lenses that help reduce the amount of blue light entering the eyes, which can help alleviate eye strain and potentially improve sleep quality.

Benefits include reduced eye strain, minimized discomfort from prolonged screen exposure, potential improvement in sleep quality, and prevention of potential long-term eye damage caused by blue light.

Anyone who spends extended periods in front of digital screens, such as computer users, smartphone users, gamers, and individuals working under artificial lighting, can benefit from wearing blue light blocking glasses.

Studies show that reducing exposure to blue light, especially in the evening, helps regulate the body's natural sleep-wake cycle and improves sleep quality by reducing disruption to melatonin production.

Yes, blue light blocking glasses can benefit children who spend considerable time using digital devices. However, consult an eye care professional for recommendations tailored to a child's needs.

No, quality blue light blocking glasses are designed to filter out blue light without affecting the clarity of vision or color perception.

While blue light blocking glasses can help reduce eye strain and discomfort, they may not completely prevent all eye-related issues associated with prolonged screen time.

Blue light blocking glasses remove parts of the visual spectrum from reaching your eyes and as such are not to be used while driving.

Wear them during activities involving screen time or exposure to artificial light sources. There's no specific limit, but wearing them consistently during screen use is recommended.

Absolutely not. You need a healthy dose of blue light during the earlier part of the day, which needs to transition to less and less blue-light exposure, ideally to 0 by the time the sun goes down. This is why Lumabio offers you two different kinds of lenses for different times of the day. See our ‘See How it Works’ section to fully understand what you need and how we work with your biology.

Most blue light blocking films for prescription glasses only block out about 40% of blue light. This is counterproductive as it over-exposes you to bluelight in the evening when it does not block out enough blue light and under exposes you to bluelight during the early part of the day when you should get a good dose of bluelight but it is blocking out 40% of what you should receive..

Blue light blocking glasses primarily target blue light emitted from screens and artificial sources. They don’t offer UV protection. Look for glasses specifically designed for UV protection if needed.

Yes! Studies show that many individuals get relief from headaches or migraines associated with screen exposure by using blue light blocking glasses. 

By reducing eye strain and discomfort, and lowering your stress, blue light blocking glasses may contribute to improved focus and comfort during extended periods of screen use, potentially enhancing productivity.

Blue light blocking glasses are generally safe and have minimal side effects. Some users might experience minor color perception changes initially, but this typically adjusts quickly.

Yes, blue light blocking glasses can be worn over contact lenses without any issues. They can complement contact lens wearers' eye comfort during screen use.

Wearing blue light blocking glasses in the evening or before bedtime might be particularly beneficial to reduce disruption to sleep patterns caused by screen exposure.

Blue light blocking glasses can be worn by individuals of all ages. 

Yes! Together with regular breaks and proper screen ergonomics, blue light blocking eyewear is very effective in dealing with the symptoms of eye strain.

Our high-quality blue light blocking glasses filter out the correct amounts of blue light (see info on Solar Shades and Ruby Stars) for the different activities and uses during the day.

Blue light blocking glasses may contribute to reducing eye dryness associated with prolonged screen use by minimizing eye strain and blinking frequency.

Clean the lenses using a gentle lens cleaner and a microfiber cloth to avoid scratching. Store them in a protective case when not in use.

Individuals with specific eye conditions or those undergoing specialized treatments should consult their eye care professional before using blue light blocking glasses.

Yes! Our Solar Shades are designed to be used both indoors and outdoors. You may find that the Ruby Stars provide a bit too much coverage to be used outdoors, unless you are in a part of the world where you have intense sun exposure..

Blue light blocking glasses may alleviate symptoms of computer vision syndrome, such as eye strain, dry eyes, and headaches associated with prolonged computer use.

Most individuals adapt to wearing blue light blocking glasses within a few minutes. Any initial adjustments in color perception typically normalize quickly.

Blue light blocking glasses are beneficial for individuals working extensively with digital screens, such as office workers, gamers, programmers, and students.

Yes, by reducing exposure to blue light emitted from screens, these glasses can alleviate digital eye fatigue and discomfort associated with prolonged screen use.

Consistent use and observing a reduction in eye strain, fatigue, or improvement in sleep quality are indicators that blue light blocking glasses are effective for you.

Don't wear blue light blockers in the morning or at anytime when you are operating heavy machinery or driving or such similar activities.

Blue light blocking glasses are beneficial for individuals working extensively with digital screens, such as office workers, gamers, programmers, and students.

Yes! We regularly ship Lumabio products to many countries worldwide. We usually coordinate the shipping options with you when you place an order so as to ensure the smoothest flow of both documents and cost effectiveness.

*IMPORTANT* when an order is shipped internationally, it may be subject to additional import taxes, customs duties, and/or fees imposed by the destination country. These fees are NOT included in our checkout prices and we are unable to calculate these import fees, as Lumabio does not apply them to your order. If applicable, these charges are the responsibility of the recipient and will typically be due once the shipped goods arrive at the country of destination prior to delivery. For further information, we recommend contacting your local customs office. 

Our warranty is 12 months for any manufacturing defect. Please visit our relevant pages for more details or email us at [email protected]

Below you can find an up-to-date list of current countries:
Czech Republic
Hong Kong SAR China
Macau SAR China
New Zealand
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
South Korea
Sri Lanka
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
United States

Luma Bio Panels

Yes! We regularly ship Lumabio products to many countries worldwide. We usually coordinate the shipping options with you when you place an order so as to ensure the smoothest flow of both documents and cost effectiveness. 

*IMPORTANT* when an order is shipped internationally, it may be subject to additional import taxes, customs duties, and/or fees imposed by the destination country. These fees are NOT included in our checkout prices and we are unable to calculate these import fees, as Lumabio does not apply them to your order. If applicable, these charges are the responsibility of the recipient and will typically be due once the shipped goods arrive at the country of destination prior to delivery. For further information, we recommend contacting your local customs office. 

If your power chord is different from that used in India, you will need to get one.

Our US and international warranty and return policies are the same for countries listed below. Please visit our relevant pages for more details or email us at [email protected]

Below you can find an up-to-date list of current countries:

Czech Republic
Hong Kong SAR China
Macau SAR China
New Zealand
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
South Korea
Sri Lanka
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
United States

Visit our Blog page for helpful information on our wavelengths, helpful articles, and more! 

One Lumabio for two waves of light!

Choose between red light, near infrared light, or both.

Red light: Delivered at 660nm, red light is readily absorbed by surface tissues and cells, leading to enhanced skin health and healing.

Near-infrared Light: Delivered at 850nm, near infrared (NIR) light is invisible to the human eye, and penetrates into deeper tissues, leading to enhanced recovery and inflammation support.

Lumabio uses only the red and near infrared wavelengths that are US FDA, CDSCO (Indian FDA) cleared and clinically-proven to be effective and safe. However, we always recommend consulting with your healthcare provider for specific questions about your health conditions.

Indications for Use

The Luma BodyCharger, Flex and Flex-Cable are over-the-counter class II medical devices that emit energy in the visible and IR spectrum intended to provide topical heating for the purpose of elevating tissue temperature for:

  • Temporary relief of minor muscle pain
  • Joint pain
  • Minor arthritis pain 
  • Muscle spasms 
  • Temporary increase in local blood circulation
  • Temporary relaxation of muscles

Devices are not intended to cure or diagnose any medical conditions. Use of these devices help promote healthy skin, strong muscles, and overall health and wellness through optimizing cellular function. 

Devices are intended to be used in home and commercial environments. Operation is intended by the user/patient.


Contraindication is a specific situation in which a drug, procedure, or surgery should not be used because it may be harmful to the person. 

  • Do not use the device if you are photosensitive.
  • Do not use the device if using topical, oral, or injectable steroids.
  • Do not use the device during the healing period post Lasik eye surgery.
  • Do not use the device if pregnant or lactating, users should consult their physician with any questions.

Precaution is a measure taken in advance to prevent something dangerous, unpleasant, or inconvenient from happening.

  • Red and Near Infrared (NIR) light can aid detoxification symptoms, make sure to follow treatment guidelines list in this manual.
  • Near Infrared (NIR) at 850 nm may aid hyper-pigmentation; discontinue use if this is a concern.
  • Post-surgery users should consult a physician prior to use.
  • Users who have had laser hair removal could experience hair regrowth.
  • Users with cancer or history of cancer should consult their physician prior to use.
  • Users with pre-existing health conditions should consult their physician prior to use.
  • Users with hyperthyroidism should consult with their physician prior to use, as use could increase symptoms.
  • Users with black pigmented tattoos could experience skin blistering. Blistering can occur by inadvertent heating of the iron oxides and/or the metal salts in the tattoo’s black pigment. Tattoo locations can be covered prior to your treatment.
  • Users with herpes virus could experience activation of dormant virus with use.
  • Users taking medications such as Tetracycline, Digoxin, Retin A, and/or other photosensitive drugs, are recommended to consult with your healthcare provider prior to use.
  • Users with a history of facial fillers and Botox injections should consult their dermatologist prior to use.
  • Users with breast implants should consult their plastic surgeon prior to use.

Unlike some other devices, Lumabio devices are SAFE to use without any eye protection. This is because our devices are US FDA and CDSCO (Indian FDA) cleared and we use safe wavelengths and intensities for your eyes to be exposed to the light without protective eyewear. However, as it can be uncomfortable until your eyes are accustomed to the light. For this reason, we recommend closing your eyes or using an eye-mask until you find that it’s comfortable to open them.

*Protective eyewear should be used when treating with near infrared and the beam window is directed at the user’s eyes. 

Yes, and a big difference! LEDs are the most effective technology for controlling the wavelength and direction of light therapy. They also allow for the delivery of high-intensity output with minimal heat generated by the light. They're by far the most efficient source for light therapy.

Customer support is very important to us, which is why we continue to provide 100% of our support in-house. In order to maintain this level of dedication, we offer our support by email or whatsapp 7 days a week. 

We would love to hear from you! Please visit our Contact page and drop us a message.

All Lumabio devices use combinations of red and near-infrared (NIR) lights. Unlike red light, near-infrared light is nearly invisible to the naked eye. When running both wavelengths at the same time, the near-infrared LEDs may appear off. This is due to the contrast of the red and near-infrared, as the red appears much more luminous to our eyes. Rest assured the LEDs are active and delivering a powerful dose of healing light.

The ultimate goal of our ambassador program is to help spread awareness for the amazing health benefits of light therapy through engaging, creative, & high-quality content that you’ll produce and distribute through your website and/or social media channels.

Our ambassadors are paid programs and you’ll have VIP access to new product releases, complimentary Lumabio merch swag, and much more!

Here are some of our basic requirements:

  • You’re age 21+ 
  • You’re motivated to speak authentically about Lumabio products on your website and/or through your social media channels.
  • You’re active on social media and, ideally, have a minimum of 5K followers on Instagram.
  • You understand how to create engaging media in English.
  • You want to make a 1-year commitment to the Lumabio brand ambassador program.
  • You’re not currently promoting another competing brand or their products.

If you’re ready to apply, tell us about yourself by emailing us at [email protected] and [email protected]. Once we review your application, we’ll let you know if we have any questions. Thanks for your interest in becoming a Lumabio ambassador!

All Lumabio modular devices are configured from pre-set kits. These kits are not subject to substitutions, alterations and/or modifications, outside the listed configurations. Please note, this includes the request to purchase additional hardware and/or components not included in the kit. 

Lumabio hardware and/or components may not be available for individual purchase. Additionally, Lumabio reserves the right to decline the purchase request of any/all non-listed hardware and components. 

Lumabio modular devices and kits cannot be combined or configured outside of our pre-set configurations and/or expansion options.  

Devices purchased second-hand or from an unauthorized third-party dealer are not eligible for the Lumabio upgrade program and may not be eligible for the purchase of missing or damaged hardware and/or components. 

First Time Users

For first time users, we recommend starting out with 1-2 minute treatments per area, and slowly working up to a 10-minute session over the course of 2-3 weeks as your body acclimates to the therapy.

Protective Eyewear

The emitting surface covers the entire front surface area of the device. For your comfort, we recommend wearing eyewear (although it is not necessary) and we suggest not to stare directly into the light emitting diodes (LEDs).

*Protective eyewear should be used when treating with near infrared and the beam window is directed at the user’s eyes. 

Standard Treatment (default setting)

A standard treatment utilizes both red and near infrared*. A 10-minute treatment with the device placed at 6-12 inches from your body is optimal. We recommend waiting 6 hours before completing additional treatments over the same treatment area. 

Daily Use is Optimal

To get the most out of your Lumabio device, consistency is key. We recommend once daily use, although 2-3 times per day may be beneficial for symptomatic areas.

Any Time of Day

Use your Lumabio when it works best for you! Some people love how it feels in the morning and say it perks them up for the day. Others wait until before or after a workout for max energy and recovery. The important thing is fitting  light therapy into your daily routine, regardless of the time.

Exposing Your Skin for a Lumabio Treatment

For effective Lumabio use, the area of your body that you’re treating needs to be exposed directly to the light. Clothing prevents the red and near infrared light from reaching your cells, so be sure to remove any garments from the part of your body you’re treating.


You can still benefit from Lumabio treatments while wearing makeup, but for optimal use, we recommend removing it and cleaning your skin so more light can reach your cells.


For electrical safety reasons, dry yourself after bathing or swimming before starting a treatment, and do not operate your Lumabio with wet hands. Avoid using your Lumabio in an area with excess water. 

Lumabiouses only the red and near infrared wavelengths that are clinically-proven to be effective and safe. As such, our devices are US FDA and CDSCO (Indian FDA) cleared. However, we always recommend consulting with your healthcare provider for specific questions about your health conditions.

If your cells are starved for light, a full Lumabio treatment may cause some detox-related symptoms before your body acclimates. If you experience these types of issues, we recommend stopping treatments until the symptoms go away. Then start out at 1-2 minutes per treatment area and work your way slowly up to 10 minutes over the course of 2-3 weeks. This will help your body adapt to a higher dosage of light. If you continue to experience detox-related symptoms and have any concerns regarding the use of photobiomodulation, we recommend stopping treatments and consulting with your healthcare provider.

Users with a history of facial fillers and Botox injections should consult their dermatologist prior to use.

Users with breast implants should consult their plastic surgeon prior to use.

As Photobiomodulation is still a relatively new therapy to the market, when it comes to using Red and NIR wavelengths with medical implants, we recommend you first consult with your healthcare provider.

Do not use the device during the healing period post Lasik eye surgery. Before resuming treatment, we recommend getting clearance from your doctor. As always, we recommend following our treatment guidelines and making sure to use the provided goggles when using the NIR wavelength.

Users with black pigmented tattoos could experience skin blistering. Blistering can occur by inadvertent heating of the iron oxides and/or the metal salts in the tattoo’s black pigment. Tattoo locations can be covered prior to your treatment. When treating at the standard treatment distance of 6-12 inches, you may not experience a problem or feel the need to cover your tattoo, however we recommend listening to your body. Please note, we do not recommend treating at the topical heating distance on an area with tattoos.

Lumabio devices use medical grade technology. Out of caution, we recommend you consult with your healthcare provider if you have any pre-existing conditions or if you take photosensitizing drugs like Tetracycline, Digoxin, Retin A, and others. Also see what we have said about contraindications and precautionary warnings. 

Steroids work to suppress the immune system while Photobiomodulation works to stimulate it. The two therapies work against each other which is why we do not recommend they be used together.

As we are not health practitioners, we are not able to offer definitive clinical guidance. We recommend consulting with your trusted healthcare provider.

Clinical studies have shown light therapy to be safe and efficacious. However, if you’re considering using it with children, we recommend consulting with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns. Please also note, all treatments with children should be done under adult supervision. 

As there has been little clinical research done on red light therapy treatments for pregnant or nursing subjects, do not use the device if pregnant or lactating before consulting with your healthcare provider.

Veterinarians around the world have used red light therapy for years to treat dogs, horses, and many other animals. We recommend consulting with a veterinary professional for specific concerns.

The human body is complex, yet amazing! It is hard to predict the way your body will respond to Luma Bio and how quickly you will see results. It varies by person, their health and fitness challenges, and how consistent they are with treatments.

Red light therapy is supported by a robust amount of peer-reviewed clinical data for a broad range of health benefits. You can learn more about some of the science by visiting our Blog. On a case-by-case basis, it would be impossible to give definitive guidance when we don’t know a person’s medical history or specific situation. If you’re looking for prescriptive advice, we recommend consulting with your healthcare provider. 

The fans in yourLuma BodyCharger will continue to operate for approximately 5 minutes after your treatment has finished. This cools down the device after use and helps maintain its optimal operating temperature.

Please note, it is important to allow your Luma BodyCharger to complete a full cool down session, after each use. Refer to your user manual for recommended use.   

Yes. The quality of electricity can vary depending on where you are and while we ensure that we have high quality components that will withstand the fluctuations, we require as part of our warranty that the device is used with a stabilizer. This is because we want to ensure that your device lasts you for a very long time and supports your health.

 Please contact us over Whatsapp or at [email protected] and [email protected] if you need guidance on selecting a stabilizer. 

Luma BodyCharger:

Irradiance: 100+mw/cm² at surface

Consumption: 300w

Dimensions: 36"x 8.75"x 3.375"

LEDs: 150 (76 Red / 74 NIR)

Device weight: 8 kg

You’ve seen the science behind light therapy and you’re excited to get started! There’s just one big question left: which Luma Bio light therapy device should you buy? On this page we’ll break down the biggest factors to consider and help you find the red light therapy device and setup for you.

Full-body treatments: 

Luma Bio’s larger, modular kits such as the Luma BodyCharger have more LEDs which each deliver more light and energy. The more cells you can deliver light to, the better light therapy will work. Full-body treatments cover large portions of your body and cells with healthy light, for more total energy transfer during a treatment and better systemic results. 

Users with both spot treatment tools and the full panels get the best of both worlds. You can enjoy convenient at home red light therapy treatments, and still get your daily light therapy whenever you’re away from home too. Win-win!

Flexible Financing Options 

Luma Bio now with ease. We have flexible payment programs in which you can either purchase the device over an EMI program or rent it out and convert it to a purchase. Contact us at [email protected] and [email protected] for more information. 


Orders usually ship within 3 working days of being received. We will update you with tracking information and more details once the order ships. For any questions please include your order number in an email to [email protected] and [email protected]

Hub offers a range of skincare products that are feminine, delicate and long-lasting with vitamins and nutritions to improve your skin condition.
Hub offers a range of skincare products that are feminine, delicate and long-lasting with vitamins and nutritions to improve your skin condition.
Hub offers a range of skincare products that are feminine, delicate and long-lasting with vitamins and nutritions to improve your skin condition.

Return Policy

Hub offers a range of skincare products that are feminine, delicate and long-lasting with vitamins and nutritions to improve your skin condition.
Hub offers a range of skincare products that are feminine, delicate and long-lasting with vitamins and nutritions to improve your skin condition.
Hub offers a range of skincare products that are feminine, delicate and long-lasting with vitamins and nutritions to improve your skin condition.
Hub offers a range of skincare products that are feminine, delicate and long-lasting with vitamins and nutritions to improve your skin condition.

Product Delivery

Hub offers a range of skincare products that are feminine, delicate and long-lasting with vitamins and nutritions to improve your skin condition.
Hub offers a range of skincare products that are feminine, delicate and long-lasting with vitamins and nutritions to improve your skin condition.
Hub offers a range of skincare products that are feminine, delicate and long-lasting with vitamins and nutritions to improve your skin condition.
Hub offers a range of skincare products that are feminine, delicate and long-lasting with vitamins and nutritions to improve your skin condition.

Payment Methods

Hub offers a range of skincare products that are feminine, delicate and long-lasting with vitamins and nutritions to improve your skin condition.
Hub offers a range of skincare products that are feminine, delicate and long-lasting with vitamins and nutritions to improve your skin condition.
Hub offers a range of skincare products that are feminine, delicate and long-lasting with vitamins and nutritions to improve your skin condition.
Hub offers a range of skincare products that are feminine, delicate and long-lasting with vitamins and nutritions to improve your skin condition.